3-Dimensional symmetry is the balancing of all the cut elements in a RAND Diamond. It insures that the table, crown angle, girdle and pavilion are balanced and interact with each other perfectly. Bringing the elements of a RAND Diamond into this precise harmony aligns the light so that the sparkle and brilliance is greater than the sum of its parts.
While perfect 3-Dimensional symmetry results in exceptional sparkle, this is only possible if the symmetry is achieved with utmost precision. Alter slightly just one of the precisely positioned angles and the light becomes less coherent. To insure precisely positioned angles RAND utilizes a proprietary cutting method called Zero Tolerance.
While it is common knowledge that a diamond's facets need to be matched in size and shape, it is less commonly understood that the angles of the facets can vary through a small range. In other diamonds this variance allows light to diffuse quickly and dull the look.
Because each RAND diamond is designed on a 3-D cad/cam computer and polished to its exact blueprint specifications, these variances are not allowed and the diamond is polished to maximize its beauty and sparkle without regard to time and material use.
In fact each RAND diamond takes average of four times longer to polish, and only artisans of exceptional skill are able to polish a diamond to its exact blueprint specifications. At RAND we call this process of matching a diamond to its blueprint "Zero Tolerance Precision Cutting."
RAND's Zero Tolerance Precision Cut coupled with 3-Dimentional symmetry results in unsurpassed levels of refraction and reflection producing crisp brilliance fire and sparkle unseen in diamonds that are less precisely cut. This technical perfection, 3-dimensional symmetry with zero tolerance precision is the platform upon which a RAND Diamond is born.